Saturday 17 March 2012

Lose Weight without Cardio!

There is a common misconception in the fitness world today that in order to achieve a low body fat percentage or lose weight you must involve crazy amounts of cardio in your routine. I am here to preach the fact that you do not need cardio to maintain a low body fat percentage or lose weight. There are two reasons why other activities are better for losing weight. Reason One: You only burn calories with cardio while you are working out. Reason Two: Diet is the most important aspect while losing or cutting weight.

Reason One:

If you're just coming off a bulk or looking to lose some extra meat that has gathered of the winter months cardio can work wonders for you. That's not the case if you're someone like myself. I dread cardio workouts. Yes, your cardiovascular health is very important but there are ways of getting in cardio workouts without doing specific cardio routines. The average person walks into a gym, hops on the closest treadmill or elliptical and burns calories for a half hour. They jump off and take a look at the total calories burned. 300! So they think to themselves wow I just worked so hard look at those calories burned. While a few feet away on the other side of the gym there is a guy sweating bullets pumping iron (Shout out to Arnold!). Gaining a huge pump from the blood being forced into his muscles by way of lifting for roughly the same half hour. Average it out...say they both burned around the same amount of calories. They leave the gym and hopefully down a recovery drink. Now the cardio guy has just consumed half the amount of calories that he just burnt off! Not to mention his lack of a diet but hey I'll discuss that in reason two. What im trying to get at here is that cardio only burns calories while you're actually working out as apposed to weight lifting or strength training which burns calories at a more aggressive rate throughout the day after your workout. Yes the cardio guy will still burn calories after his workout because that's what the human body does...burns the calories you consume to survive. The weight lifter has the advantage though because his body as a result of the strength training will burn calories faster and more efficiently then the cardio guy. So in saying this the weight lifter will lose more weight in a faster time and more easily then the cardio guy...not to mention the amount of muscle that will be preserved by way of the weight lifting.

Reason Two:

In order to lose weight or essentially body fat your body must achieve a calorie deficit throughout the day. This means you must burn more calories then you are consuming in the day. How is this done? Through strict diet and exercise. As you read above I am stressing reasons why Strength Training is more beneficial than Cardio for losing weight or body fat. Although exercise is very important you will not achieve any of your weight loss goals without strict diet. Your diet is the single most important thing you should stress about during your daily life. You can workout all you want and for hours upon hours burning tons of calories but if you come home and eat crap like fast food, or chips during the night you will never attain your true goals.

To sum everything up I am simply offering reasons to support Strength Training over Cardio Training for people like myself who despise Cardio! :)

Here at WISE FITNESS we want to help you achieve that body you always wanted! So don't hesitate to email us, comment, and make sure to follow us on twitter @Wise_Fitness for advice and daily tips on how to change your life for the better.

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